Drew Kaiden
Senior Consultant

"As an alum of Plus Delta Partners’ Discipline of Frontline Fundraising, I experienced how it shapes organizational culture, creates shared values and processes, and empowers fundraisers to be more confident, strategic, and intentional. Now, as a PDP consultant, I have the opportunity to introduce those tools to professionals throughout the nonprofit sector, enabling their organizations to have a far greater impact on the populations they serve."
Drew brings over 21 years of frontline fundraising, management, and strategic planning experience to Plus Delta.
Most recently, as the inaugural Senior Associate Vice President for Development of University Initiatives at Rutgers University, Drew partnered with the Chief Academic Officer to build the first team dedicated to raising funds for priorities that were university-wide in scope and impact. During his career, as chief development officer for Long Island University's Brooklyn campus and Rutgers' Camden campus, Drew was instrumental in the successful completion of $100M and $1B campaigns respectively. He also spearheaded a strategic plan that tripled the size and outcomes, across all metrics, for Rutgers regional and global fundraising team. Through his service on the engagement of donors and prospects of color committee, the metrics task force, and the presidential search committee, Drew was instrumental in influencing organizational policy and direction.
Drew, who earned a Bachelor of Arts in policy studies from Dickinson College and a Masters of Public Administration from Long Island University, lives in South Jersey with his family. He enjoys cheering on local professional and collegiate sports teams, cooking, and the company of good friends.